David Schlesinger

The Challenge

The Priorities

The Solution

The Solution

Divvy Homes uses Lumos to automate provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts through the AppStore, giving back hours of time every week to the IT team to take on more strategic work while still keeping employees productive. Additionally, the IT team can easily see Shadow IT and manage SaaS spend more effectively. By reducing duplicate apps, unused licenses, and keeping track of renewals more easily, the Divvy Homes team was able to find significant cost savings for their company.


With the Lumos AppStore, Divvy Homes' employees no longer had to go through the IT team to get access to the apps they needed. Instead, the IT team could automate provisioning and deprovisioning by setting up the proper approval processes in the AppStore and letting employees request access and get approved and provisioned in minutes. No busy work for IT while still making sure sensitive customer data was protected.

Security + Compliance

With Lumos’ AppManager and Discovery Dashboard, Divvy Homes now had a quick way to discover Shadow IT on an ongoing basis and quickly take action to remove non-compliant or unsecure apps. Additionally, given the sensitive nature of the customer data Divvy Homes handles, it was important to the IT team that employees were given the appropriate level of access. With advanced security features such as multi-stage approvals, break-glass and time-based access, Divvy Homes could enable least privilege while still allowing employees to be productive.

The Impact

Director of Security & IT @Divvy Homes
Director of Security & IT @Divvy Homes
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"Lumos has freed up the IT team to work on long-term work. It has also reduced the amount of time spent on provisioning and deprovisioning users. We’ve definitely saved more money than we have spent on Lumos."

David Schlesinger
Director of Security & IT @Divvy Homes
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Learn how David transformed his organization with Lumos

The Challenge

Divvy Homes entered a rapid period of growth, leading to substantial increase in workload for their IT team. Their IT team was discovering new SaaS apps being used on a weekly basis, making it difficult to keep track of SaaS spend on Shadow IT and redundant apps, as well as avoid potential security threats to sensitive customer data. On top of that, Divvy Homes was still manually provisioning and deprovisioning access to apps, taking away time that could be spent on longer-term initiatives. With Lumos, Divvy Homes was able to find one platform that handled all of their needs.

“We can provision users, deprovision users, see all of the Shadow IT within Divvy, but also track cost, vendor contracts, know when vendors are up for renewal, and take all of that data and use it to manage our licenses. Lumos has provided a great return on investment."

The Solution

Divvy Homes uses Lumos to automate provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts through the AppStore, giving back hours of time every week to the IT team to take on more strategic work while still keeping employees productive. Additionally, the IT team can easily see Shadow IT and manage SaaS spend more effectively. By reducing duplicate apps, unused licenses, and keeping track of renewals more easily, the Divvy Homes team was able to find significant cost savings for their company.


With the Lumos AppStore, Divvy Homes' employees no longer had to go through the IT team to get access to the apps they needed. Instead, the IT team could automate provisioning and deprovisioning by setting up the proper approval processes in the AppStore and letting employees request access and get approved and provisioned in minutes. No busy work for IT while still making sure sensitive customer data was protected.

Security + Compliance

With Lumos’ AppManager and Discovery Dashboard, Divvy Homes now had a quick way to discover Shadow IT on an ongoing basis and quickly take action to remove non-compliant or unsecure apps. Additionally, given the sensitive nature of the customer data Divvy Homes handles, it was important to the IT team that employees were given the appropriate level of access. With advanced security features such as multi-stage approvals, break-glass and time-based access, Divvy Homes could enable least privilege while still allowing employees to be productive.

Cost Savings

Using the Lumos platform, Divvy Homes was able to find significant cost savings across Shadow IT, unused licenses, and duplicate apps. With Lumos, they were able to reduce unused accounts and remove expensive Shadow IT with just a few clicks. Additionally, Divvy Homes used Lumos to manage upcoming renewals and was able to use app usage data to negotiate lower license fees during renewals.

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Govern Your Apps With One Platform

Easily manage SaaS spend, privileged access, and compliance.
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