Identity Governance
Erin Geiger, Director of Content at Lumos

What Does an IGA Solution Do?

IGA solutions contain all the tools, processes, and automations you need to streamline your cybersecurity program. Learn more about this software here.

An IGA solution supplements a cybersecurity plan—namely, any parts of security related to identity governance and administration (IGA). For an organization, IGA is all about maintaining access permissions for software: who has access, when they have access, and what features they have access to. This used to be simpler when companies only used a handful of software solutions, but with the average company using well over 130 software applications, keeping an accurate record of access permissions becomes a much more complex task. Identity governance solutions help mitigate the complexity by providing digital tools to streamline, automate, and simplify IGA procedures.

We all know the importance of cybersecurity. But with so many threats, solutions, and acronyms (seriously, so many acronyms), it’s hard to know whether your cybersecurity tools actually do what you need them to. Well, today we at Lumos would like to help you learn about one of those tools: your IGA software solution. Let’s dive into what IGA solutions are, what they do, and what you should look for.

What Is an IGA Solution?

An IGA solution is a tool (typically software) that aims to make IGA processes easier. Typically, this software will automate the review process for software credentials, consolidate all access permissions into one place, or similar functions that simplify how IGA happens for an organization.

As our workplaces continue to add more and more software solutions, it only gets harder to track all software permissions a company has—especially with employee turnover. For example, every time an employee moves onto another organization, that’s a whole set of software permissions that need to be modified or removed. Even a promotion may require significant changes in access permissions; a manager moving to a director role, for example, may need increased levels of access to specific software—or less access to other software from their previous role. IGA solutions make these transitions much smoother and safer for everyone involved.

An organization must consider features, function, and integration when evaluating IGA solutions. Gartner said it best in their 2022 Market Guide for IGA:

“It is important to look beyond the purely technical capabilities of these solutions and evaluate how (and how easily) they can be deployed, integrated and operated within an existing environment.”

As you browse through the IGA tools out there, consider not just all the features but how well the tool fits into your workflow. Ultimately, you should always ask “Will this make things easier for my organization?” (And of course, the answer should be “yes” if it’s a good tool.)

What Does an IGA Solution Do?

These software solutions perform multiple tasks to help simplify and streamline the IGA process. For example, IGA solutions bring together all access credentials from a company’s software stack, consolidating them into a single place for review, modification, and assignment. While cybersecurity is the primary goal, IGA is about more than safety; employee onboarding, access requests, and operational efficiency are some of what IGA controls for an organization. And with the right solution, a company will be more secure, have better workflows, and spend less operating budget on software.

What Is the Difference Between IAM, PAM, and IGA?

When talking about IGA vs. IAM vs. PAM,  the primary difference is scope. All three of these focus on maintaining access permissions for software, but from varying angles—and with different levels of detail. IGA has the broadest scope, PAM has the narrowest, and IAM sits right in between.

  • IGA (Identity Governance Administration) lays out the processes by which IAM is conducted.

  • IAM (Identity Access Management) is the handling of data, permissions, and digital identities.

  • PAM (Privileged Access Management) is a subset of IAM focused on “privileged accounts,” or accounts with high amounts of administrative access in the organization.

While all three of these frameworks have their specific focus, their end goal is the same: create a safe, streamlined, efficient workflow for maintaining digital identities. And no matter what framework(s) an organization may use to handle access permissions, they need tools that take a comprehensive view of all three of these frameworks.

What Are the Best IGA Tools for Me?

Ultimately, you want to find tools that not only work well but can integrate with your operations. As you browse through IGA vendors, look for solutions that will:

  • Automate the rote, repetitive parts of IGA that, while time-consuming, must be done
  • Bring all your digital identities together in one easy-to-manage platform
  • Simplify the user access process, which in turn simplifies onboarding and offboarding
  • Generate audit reports that show leadership the benefits of using better IGA processes

If you’re looking for the best in IGA solutions, the reviews are clear: Lumos has you covered. We specialize in making your IT challenges a lot easier to tackle—and that includes IGA processes. With our tools, you’ll not only have an enhanced security posture but a smoother workflow that takes a massive load off your IT team (which, trust us, they will love). Keeping your organization running smoothly and safely doesn’t have to mean drowning your engineers in tickets or making new employees wait weeks to get access to software for their job. In fact, it could all be a lot easier than you’d expect with the right tools—and Lumos is that tool.

Look to Lumos for all things IT; we love helping people navigate the complex world of software stacks and cybersecurity. To learn more about the finer parts of IGA, check out our free IGA guide. And if you want to see Lumos in action, book yourself a demo today. We look forward to working with you!